Picture this: You're enjoying a serene evening when suddenly, a passerby collapses in front of you. He is unresponsive and not breathing. In this critical moment, what would you do?
Lack of confidence 缺乏自信?
Might hurt or kill someone 可能會傷害/殺死病患?
Being sued 怕被告?
Contracting a disease 感染疾病?
The American Heart Association now recommends hands-only CPR—skipping rescue breathing—for untrained bystander rescuers who see a victim collapse in front of them, so the chance of catching a disease from rhands-only CPR is very unlikely. It’s not impossible, but chances are very low.
根據美國心臟協會的建議,未經專業訓練的一般民眾在實施心肺復甦術CPR時,只需給予心外按壓(壓胸,hands-only CPR)就好,不需給予人工呼吸。所以,現在的BLS民眾版CPR急救訓練課程早就已經宣導可以跳過人工呼吸步驟,只要學習正確的胸外按壓方式和使用AED即可。在這樣的急救流程下,感染到疾病的機會是非常的低的。雖然不是不可能,但機會非常低。
Only Doctors, Nurses, EMT can Do CPR 只有醫生、護士、緊急救護員可以急救?
For every one minute a person goes without CPR, their chance of surviving decreases by 10%. According to statistics, it takes an ambulance on average 6-7 minutes to arrive in Taiwan. Brain damage begins at four minutes of oxygen deprivation even if the person does survive. Waiting for a medical professional loses precious seconds.This is why everyone should learn CPR.
Security guards, teachers, grocery clerks, receptionists, bank tellers, police officers, parents — almost anyone from early teens through adulthood can initiate CPR.
等待,病患每一分鐘存活率就下降10%。據統計,在台灣,救護車平均抵達為6-7分鐘。當心跳停止,腦細胞只要缺氧約4、5分鐘就會開始壞死。 即使急救後恢復心跳、血壓,但若腦部缺氧時間過長,腦部還是會永久受損,將導致各種程度的失能。等待救護車什麼都不做,逝去的是寶貴的時間,意味著生命的流逝,這就是為什麼每個人都應該學會CPR。
Embark on the journey of learning CPR and be the beacon of hope during critical moments. Enroll in English CPR training in Taiwan today and equip yourself with the skills that could mean the difference between tragedy and triumph.
▶ Fill out the application form to apply for English CPR Training
▶ 延伸閱讀 Further Reading:
▶ 關注Serena,歡迎訂閱電子報、追蹤IG
▶ 急救課程預約,歡迎填寫表單